Therapy with Dr. Samantha Rodman Whiten

Have you been in therapy before without getting the results you want? Dr. Whiten is the "therapist of last resort" for many individuals and couples. Her straightforward and intuitive approach often means that you will get more done in one session than you did in years of prior work. She works best with high achievers and people who want therapy to move quickly and productively.
Dr. Whiten is only accepting a LIMITED NUMBER OF CLIENTS. Reach out to see if you are a fit for one of these slots. Please email with a short synopsis of your situation so Dr. Whiten can determine if you are a good match for an opening. If you are not, or she is booked, or you cannot afford her rates, check out her other providers at her group Best Life Behavioral Health. If you email with a description of your situation and your location, she will match you with the best fit at her practice!
Dr. Whiten is a licensed psychologist seeing clients via phone and video. She has been working with individuals, couples, and families since 2009, and her warm, proactive, engaging style is a fit with motivated clients who are curious about themselves and genuinely ready to change. Dr. Whiten makes therapy interesting, challenging, and worth your time and money.
Visit to read Dr. Whiten's articles about relationships, parenting, and psychology, Her books are Couples You Meet in Counseling: 7 Common Relationship Dynamics That Sabotage Closeness, How To Talk to Your Kids About Your Divorce, and 52 Emails To Transform Your Marriage. And listen to her podcast, The Dr. Psych Mom show!