Work for Me!

Are you interested in working in a dynamic and flexible group telehealth practice? Check out my group practice Best Life Behavioral Health. I currently have a team of five great clinicians and am always looking for more.
Psychologists, social workers, and counselors licensed in Maryland, DC, or Virginia
PsyPact or multiple state licensure a plus
Clinicians who are currently in a group practice that accepts insurance and want to earn more
People with a proactive and warm style, which will be a good fit for clients who like my personal approach
Therapist who would like a steady stream of self-pay referrals
Therapists who don't want to worry about scheduling, marketing, or billing
Therapists who want to to solely TELETHERAPY (I do not have or want a physical office space)
If this is you, reach out to me at with the subject Working For Best Life!
Include your CV and a bit about you. I'll respond to everyone so if you don't hear back, ping me again.